What is friendoflearning.com?

Friendoflearning.com is a website created by a father (not a priest) who worked full-time, but who also homeschooled his daughters.

He wanted some help from a computer, and wrote the earliest versions of this program to make homeschooling easier for him and his daughters.

They finished using it several years ago, and the program was idle for some time.

Now the father (still not a priest; no offense to priests) is working on it again, adding to its features, watching it grow.

Perhaps it can be of some value to you.

A Homeschooling Manifesto

Education is about accumulating knowledge. It's not about doing time.


Children are individuals. One child might learn faster or slower than another child, and that's okay.


A child might learn some subjects faster or slower than that same child learns other subjects, and that's okay too.


Children are more likely to be enthusiastic about their own education if they have some input into what they will study, and as to how they will study it.


There is no failing to learn a subject; there is only continued study and practice until that subject is learned.


Homeschooling does not have to be very time-consuming, nor does it have to be difficult to manage.


If you are not required by law to mimic the limitations of your local school system, then why should you?

More details

New Features

Revised "McGuffey's Third Eclectic Reader"

For registered users and subscribers.

The "New Features" module


Works in Progress

Revise "McGuffey's Fourth Eclectic Reader"


If you'd like to support this site but don't care to subscribe, a donation on our GoFundMe page would be supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (I hope I spelled that right), and would contribute to the decentralization of education.

Note: this website only uses cookies for session identification. However, we do not use crackers on this website. Not that there's anything wrong with crackers, but after one or two session cookies, we really don't need the extra calories.